Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ready to Go

As we get closer and closer to meeting Caleb it's hard for me to think about much else, so I'm sorry that so many of my posts are about him or being pregnant, but I know you don't mind. :)

So, my bags are packed ( I immediately thought of the song "Leaving on a Jet Plane" after typing that, just thought I'd share) and Caleb's room is ready. There is still one picture that needs to be hung (Charles, I hope you are reading this) and I still have some blankets and stuff to wash, but other than that, things are ready. So now it's just a waiting game that I'm not very good at.

I've had several people ask me if given the choice to be induced will I? I have no idea. I've talked to some people who were induced and it was so great, and they had no problems at all, and others prefer to go into labor naturally and spend more time at home. I like the idea of spending as much time as possible at home before going to the hospital (I hate hospitals) but I also like the idea of knowing exactly when he's coming and having a schedule that has been planned out by the doctor. This not knowing thing is tough. It could be tonight or it could be in 2 weeks, who knows?

Anyways, that's a decision we'll have to make when and if it even comes up. So for now, still getting the last few things ready, still enjoying my time off work, still trying to get the house clean, and still trying to be patient, waiting on our little man.



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