Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bored Already??

I am already getting bored sitting at home during the day. I mean, there is only so much that needs to be done and it certainly doesn't take all day, and I'm not the kind of person who can just sit around and watch TV all day. So yes, I'm already bored, and it's only been 3 days.

I'm not crazy, and I do realize that once Caleb get's here I will not be bored. I'll have plenty to do, and will probably be wishing for more hours in the day, but until then, what am I supposed to do? Hopefully he'll come sooner rather than later, because if I have to do this for another 3 weeks, I think I might go crazy. His room is ready, his clothes are washed, and my bag is packed. So there is not much left to do, except buy a few more little things with the gift cards I've been stocking up on. I'll probably save that for sometime next week.

It'll also be better once my family gets back in town. Then I can hang out at the pool with my sister, and spend some time out there instead of sitting home alone while Charles is at work. I hate to complain because staying home is much better than working and I know some people would LOVE to be able to stay home, even for a few days, rather than go to work, but I'm just getting impatient waiting for this little guy.


I said a while back that I would post some pictures of the paintings that my mother-in-law did for the nursery. So here they are...very cute, aren't they??

My sister-in-law did his cute name for the wall.



Blogger Jenna said...

ahem - you have a book to be reading! you've had it what, like 6 months now?

June 5, 2009 at 11:09 PM  

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