Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Doctors Appointment, Again

Well I'm down to my weekly appointments with the doctor so I went again today. Had my group B strep test, and my first "check". Fun stuff!! So far, nothing's going on so I think it'll at least be a couple of weeks before Caleb decides to join us. This was also my last appointment that I had to schedule around work, because I only have 2 days left and I'm officially a stay at home mom. Thank goodness, I'll finally be able to get some stuff done around here.


On another note, I bought a new computer about a month ago and have been trying to sell my old one, without much luck. But today, being the wonderful wife that I am (haha), I made a trade. I traded my old computer for a playstation 3 for my hubby. What was I thinking? I have now had the pleasure of sitting and watching him play for most of the evening. It's actually not a big deal because I'd just being doing this (blogging) whether he was playing games or not.


On a final note, I have not been taking pictures like I said I was going to. I just don't know what to take pictures of. I don't want to fill my blog with pictures of the kids that I nanny, because they're not my kids, and that's where I spend my days, so I don't see much else. But I did get some new photo software that I really like. I'm still trying to figure out how to use it, but I'm getting better. So for now, I'll post a few "old" pictures that I have edited, and made look much better in my opinion.

Yes, it's a grasshopper, I know...why am I taking pictures of bugs you may ask...
because it was there, and I had my camera...enough said

just lovely

don't you just love the smell of honeysuckle in the summer??


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