Tuesday, August 11, 2009

7 weeks old

Caleb is 7 week old today ... how the time flies

This week Caleb was all smiles. He's finally figured it out and is smiling all the time. Although he smiles more often for daddy than mommy, or so it seems. It's absolutely adorable, but amazingly difficult to capture in a picture. I'm working on it.

He slept 7 straight hours 3 nights this week, so I think we are well on our way to sleeping through the night on a regular basis, thank goodness!

He took his first vacation. We went to the lake (Greer's Ferry) and stayed in a lake house. He also had his very first boat ride, which put him right to sleep.

He had his first visit to a restaurant as we stopped at The Bulldog on the way home from the lake. He made it about 2 minutes before crying. Thankfully we just stopped for some ice cream so it was quick.

He is noticing things around him more, and can often be found staring intently at his mobile above his swing or crib. Or staring at the polka dots on the lining of his Moses' basket. This kid has a thing for polka dots.

He can lay on his stomach and use his arms to hold up his chest and head. Such a big boy!

He's awake more and asleep less, which is fun, but I think he's getting to an age where he doesn't want to take naps because he would rather look around. He doesn't want to miss anything, so he protests when I put him down for naps. If you aren't sure what I mean by 'protest' ... he cries, and screams and pretty much throws a fit :)

He still sleeps on his tummy but we might try switching back to his back because I've discovered that on his tummy he can move from one end of his crib to the other.

Either his hair is getting lighter or just thinner, it's hard to tell, but it's beginning to look more the color my hair was when I was younger.

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