Thursday, July 30, 2009

Too Much Stuff

Now that we are taking our little man out and about (well just church and to visit the grandparents, but that still counts) I am amazed to discover how hard it is to just get out of the house for a little while. Why is it so hard, you may ask. Because of all the stuff we have to make sure we take with us. I'm trying to keep the diaper bag stocked with essentials at all times, but I'm the kind of person who feels the need to check it before we leave anyways.

We need his paci. I hate to be so dependent on it, but sometimes its the only thing that calms him down, especially if he's upset in the car. We need lots of diapers and wipes. Believe it or not, 10 diapers is not always enough for an afternoon away. We learned this from experience. We need a change of clothes, or maybe 2. This we also learned from experience. We need a blanket, in case he gets cold. We need a burp cloth unless we want to end up with spit up all over us. We need his jammies if we're going to be out late, so that I don't have to wake him up when we get home to change him. Toss in my wallet, cell phone and keys, and we're ready to go.

But wait, we still have to get Caleb strapped into his carseat. And it must be done just before we leave and not a moment sooner because while he doesn't mind riding in the car, he does mind sitting in his carseat if it's not in motion. He even gets fussy when we stop at red lights and stop signs. If you could just see us driving down the street. If I'm in the front seat (sometimes his screaming warrants me moving to the back to attempt to quiet him before we go crazy), but if I am in the front, I spend my time trying to reach his paci to pop it back in his mouth or jiggling his seat so that he will think the car is moving even if it's not.

The things we do for our kids...sometimes crazy, but always worth it.

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