Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How does he know?

It seems as though Caleb has some sort of 6th sense concerning the most inconvenient time to cry. For example, I put Caleb down for a nap, and after I'm sure that he's good and asleep I fix myself some lunch. What does Caleb do? Starts crying. Or I jump in the shower. And what does Caleb do as soon as I've put shampoo in my hair? Starts crying. Or I decide it's time for bed and move a little man who has been sleeping soundly (with the TV blaring) in my arms into his bed and what does he do? Starts crying. You get the idea. When I desperately want him to sleep, he cries, and when I'm ready to devote my undivided attention to him, he sleeps.

It also seems as though Caleb just might be a night owl like myself. I feed him around 8:30pm, followed by a bath and jammies, and then it's bedtime. Sometimes he'll go to sleep, but it's become normal for him to stay up until around midnight before he decides that it is indeed bedtime. He'll then sleep until around 2am, have a quick bite to eat, then back to bed until around 7am. Well because he stayed up so late he goes back to bed again until around 10am and then he's ready to start his day. I'm not complaining because it's great that he sleeps so long at night, but it would be nice if I could go to bed before midnight one of these nights. Perhaps I need to shorten those late afternoon naps so that he'll go to bed a bit earlier.

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Blogger Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Saw your post on the blog frog, just had to come by and see another Elaine. Cute little guy, beautiful family. Nice to meet you...It is so hard to get a schedule down that works for everyone at first. You have great instincts it will all even out.

August 4, 2009 at 10:09 PM  

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