Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What I Love About Caleb at 8 Months Old

Once again, I can hardly believe how fast he is growing up.

We went to the doctor this morning, and everything is still great. He weighs in at 19 lbs 15 oz, and he's 27.5 inches long. He only had to get two shots and he barely cried at all. Just for a few seconds after each one.

And now on to more important things... what I love about Caleb at 8 months old. There are SO many things that I love, I almost don't know where to begin, but let me say this. This is the funnest (is that a word??) age so far. He is an absolute joy to be around.

*I love that he is on the move. While it makes my days much busier, it is so fun to see him crawling all over the place. And yes, he is still doing the army crawl, and he's quite fast at it.

*He is such a happy boy. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but he is just so friendly, and smiles at everyone he meets (well almost... I won't mention any names... it's something we're working on).

*He has become a Mama's boy, and yes I love it. He loves his Mama, wants to be in the same room as me, and preferably have me holding or playing with him. I have to leave the room when he has his "playpen" time because if he sees me, he cries because I'm not in the playpen with him.

*He is a finger food champ. He would much rather have finger foods than baby food, which I love because it makes meal times much easier for me. He thinks he's such a big boy.

*He still loves books and being read to.

*He plays ball with daddy, and actually tries really hard to roll the ball back to daddy after he gets it, and sometimes he even succeeds.

*He is a singer. It's not actual singing, but he thinks it is and it is so cute.

*He's gotten a little bashful. He still smiles at strangers, but only while burying his head in my shoulder.

I'm sure there are many more things I love because really, I love everything about this kid, but it's getting late, so I'll stop here.

You're getting so big and it makes me happy and sad at the same time. You won't be my tiny baby much longer, but I'm looking forward to your days as a little boy. I love spending all my days with you, and can't think of anything I'd rather be doing. Your smiles make me so happy. I love you so much, my sweet boy.


And now I'll leave you with a few pictures of one of Caleb's favorite activities these days ...


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