Friday, October 23, 2009

What I love about Caleb at 4 months old

Caleb had his 4 month doctor's appointment yesterday morning. Can you believe he is already 4 months old?? I can't. What a big boy he is. He weighs 15 lbs 8 ounces, and is 25.5 inches long. Everything looked good and he's now graduated to only going to the doctor every 2 months, so his next check up isn't until right before Christmas. He got more shots yesterday which he wasn't too happy about. Although it's nice at this point that he has no idea what's coming, and he only cries for a few minutes afterwards. There were lots of kids at the office yesterday getting flu shots and some of them were crying long before they actually got the shot. Caleb had some sort of localized reaction to one of his vaccines and it made his little leg turn red and a little swollen right where he got the shot, so he's been getting Tylonal and the doctor said to put an ice pack on it. But I don't think its bothering him so I'm going to hold off on that unless I think it's bothering him. At this point I think he'd mind the freezing ice pack more than the actual soreness.

In other news, Caleb's first cousin was born this morning. It's a little boy and they are exactly 4 months apart. I'm sure they will have lots of fun playing together when they get bigger.

And now for the real reason for this post... what I love about Caleb at 4 months old.

*He is so much fun! His personality is really starting to develop.

*He is so happy, almost all the time.

*He is still fairly easy to entertain.

*He is sleeping 8 hours straight at night... most of the time.

*His little cheeks are so chubby and cute.

*He still loves to snuggle.

*He laughed for the first time this month.

*He's an expert roller.

*He gets excited to see his daddy in the afternoon.

*He loves watching football with daddy.

*He enjoys going on walks in his stroller.

*He is such a good baby, easy, happy, and very laid-back.

I can't believe he's already 4 months old. When people told me it would go by quickly, they weren't kidding!!

Now, I know I promised some pictures of Caleb in his baptism gown...well, legally, I can't post them on here because they were taken by a professional, but you can go here and scroll down just a little bit and you'll see Clowers Baby. Click on that and you can watch a slide show of the pictures we had taken of him a few weeks ago.

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