Saturday, October 17, 2009

A new plan

Well I've developed a new strategy, thanks to some advice from a friend (thanks Casey!!), that will hopefully get Caleb sleeping better at night. He's going to get a bottle of formula before I go to bed, which will hopefully help him sleep a little longer at night.

We tried it for the first time last night, and I was a little concerned that he might not like formula and that he wouldn't want to drink it, but he gulped it right down. He did make a funny face after his first taste, but it didn't seem to phase him. And he slept a little better last night than he has been, so I'm hoping this helps. Only problem is that I think it might have made his little tummy bother him today, which I've heard can happen. He was just extra fussy today and thats the only think I can attribute it to. Well, either that or teething. I think this little man is already teething! He chews on his clothes, his blankets, and his hands ALL the time, and is very, very drooly. But just to be safe, I'm going to skip the formula for tonight because he is getting baptized tomorrow at church and we can't have a fussy baby on such an exciting day. I'll pick it back up tomorrow night and we'll see if, after a few nights, it seems to be making a difference.

I'm also going to try feeding him more often during the day. He has gotten to where he eats about every 4 hours during the day, but I feel like he needs to get one more feeding in during the day to keep from waking up in the middle of the night. I can't fit one more in with him eating every 4 hours so I'm going to try to take him back to eating every 3 hours. This is a little complicated because Caleb refuses to eat unless he is hungry, and gets downright mad if I try to feed him before he gets hungry. If I can just get him to eat enough during the day to sleep through the night I think he'll make up for it by eating more the next day and then we'll be golden. Eating every 3 hours during the day, and sleeping through the night. I'll let you know if that actually happens. I know he'll sleep through the night one of these days (hopefully sooner rather than later), and I'm hoping that since he was doing so well just a few weeks ago that maybe it's just a growth spurt or teething or something that's causing these problems.

Time is already going by so fast, and Caleb is getting so big, I know I'll look back and remember the time when he wasn't sleeping through the night and it'll seem like it was no time at all. I'm just trying to enjoy every minute of being Caleb's mama, even the minutes at the 3 o'clock in the morning, when all I want is to be in bed.

As I mentioned earlier, Caleb is getting baptized tomorrow, which is a very special day for us, and for Caleb, although he doesn't realize it yet. His baptism gown was made by a sweet friend of our family, and it is gorgeous!! I'll make sure to take pictures of Caleb wearing it and post them on here so everyone can see.

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