Monday, September 14, 2009

What A Day

It's amazing how quickly we can get frustrated at the littlest things, especially when running on little sleep. I have had one of those days. This past weekend started with me helping out at a 5K. I woke up at 4:30am, fed Caleb (he usually wakes up around 5:00am), then headed to the race. It was early and I was tired. Charles and Caleb stayed home to get some more sleep and then met me at the race later in the morning. I've been having problems getting Caleb to eat his first "meal" of the day (I think because of that 5am feeding) and Saturday was no exception. He would not drink a bottle for Charles, so they just came on to the race anyways. We ended up leaving early because I knew Caleb was going to be getting tired and hungry soon, which is not a good combination. Once we got home he was just in a grumpy mood most of the day. He cried when it was time for naps ( he doesn't normally) and didn't eat well when it was time to eat. Saturday night my sister babysat and once again, he would not take his bottle. He did go to sleep pretty well for her, which I was thankful for.

Well, since he had missed 2 feedings he woke up twice in the middle of the night to eat, 3:00am and 6:00am. And once again (this time because he had just eaten at 6:00) he would not take his first "meal" and the whole thing started over again. He didn't eat when he woke up, so he didn't take a good nap and woke up hungry. Then he didn't eat well because he was still tired. And so went Sunday. Sunday night he again woke up twice (3:00am and 5:30am) and just didn't sleep well in general. I was up 4 different times, twice to feed him, once to give him his paci, and once to move him back to the middle of the crib (since he sleeps on his tummy, he moves all over the place and sometimes pushes himself up against the side of the crib). Needless to say, neither of us slept very well. So Caleb was tired today and only took 1 good nap. If he's too tired it keeps him from sleeping, which I know seems backwards, but thats the way it is. Well because he was tired all day he ate horribly, I even started thinking maybe he was sick or something, but we took his temp. and it was fine. I'm still thinking maybe he wasn't feeling good today, or maybe he was just exhausted. Either way, we put him to bed at 8:45 and it was 10:00 and many tears later (his and mine) before he was finally asleep.

Right now, he is sleeping peacefully and I'm hoping that he sleeps better tonight than he did last night, for his sake and mine.

I kept getting frustrated over the last few days when he wouldn't eat when I wanted him to, or when he wouldn't go to sleep when I wanted him to, but now that I think about it (it's much easier to think without him screaming) things could be so much worse. Caleb is such a sweet little boy. He is so happy most of the time and I shouldn't let these little things frustrate me the way they do. I love my little man, and wouldn't trade one minute of time I have with him, even if he is having a rough couple of days.

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Blogger Lora said...

I definitely feel your pain. Sometimes I get so frustrated when Arden is crying and I don't know what the deal is. Lack of sleep is definitely a contributing factor to my frustration. I usually try to keep my cool and do pretty well, but sometimes it just gets to me when things aren't going smoothly. Today I was getting the stroller out of the car to go for a walk and Arden spit up down my shirt. I was SO mad and annoyed. I mean, he spits up all the time, no big deal, but today it just really irked me and I was mad the rest of the walk plus I smelled like spit up! Hang in there...we all have our days! Plus, you're's hard to be mad or frustrated when I remember how much I love him and how helpless he is without me and then when I see how cute he is, I can't help but be happy again!

September 15, 2009 at 7:22 PM  

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