Friday, August 21, 2009

2 month doctor's appointment

Caleb is not technically 2 months old until the 23rd, but he had his 2 month doctors appointment today. I knew he would be getting shots today, so I've actually been dreading this appointment, he, of course, had no idea what was in store for him.

In case you don't remember, I HATE shots and needles in general, for that matter. In the past I would do anything to avoid having that sharp piece of metal jabbed into me. There were times when Charles was going to the doctor or dentist and needles were involved and I would think, "Glad it's him and not me!!!" But I found myself wishing that I could get the shots today instead of Caleb. Crazy how he's only been here 2 months but I love him so much.

Anyways, I knew he had to get shots and the poor little guy was just happy as can be at the doctors office waiting with me, getting weighed and measured, (He weighs 12 lbs. 10 oz. and is 23.5 inches) talking with his doctor and then the nurse came back in. I laid him on the table and held his little hand hoping that somehow maybe he wouldn't notice the pain (wishful thinking, I know) and she stuck him in the leg ... twice ... and then again in the other leg. He of course screamed and cried ... and cried some more. But by the time we got to the car he had completely forgotten about it and was just fine. I had given him some tylonal before his shots, and his morning nap got cut short, so he was a sleepy little man and slept the whole way home.

So another good appointment. Everything looked great. He's in the 75th percentile for weight and 50th for height. So he's a chubby little guy.

Look at those chubby cheeks :)


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