Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect

Caleb has been working on some new skills the past few days. He's been very strong since the day he was born, but he's just now learning how to use this strength. He has been holding his head up well for a couple of months now, but this week he has learned how to hold up his head and chest while resting his weight on his arms. Since he sleeps on his tummy, this new skill lets him look around the room while in his crib. It's somewhat of a distraction, but not much I can do about that.

He has also started rolling over. He did it for the first time over a week ago, but I think that was just a fluke. This week he has started actually rolling from his tummy onto his side, and occasionally all the way to his back. He does this in his crib, and still I don't think it's quite intentional on his part. Sometimes he's very fidgety when I put him down for naps, and he gets his legs kicking, and just kicks himself onto his side or back, but he can't get back onto his tummy by himself. I need to help him learn this soon, or I can just see myself making hourly trips into his room to put him back on his tummy in the middle of the night.

The last thing is laughing. This little man has been smiling for weeks, and let me tell you, it is cute. But he hasn't quite got the laughing thing down. You can tell by the look on his face that he thinks something is funny, and it looks like he's laughing ... but no sound. This afternoon, for the first time, he actually laughed out loud, or at least Charles says so. I missed it, but I'm sure I'll hear plenty of his sweet laughs in the days to come.

He's still growing like crazy. I'm not sure how much he weighs now, but if I had to guess I'd say he's at least close to, if not over, 14 pounds. And he's already starting to outgrow some of his 3 month clothes, and moving on to 3-6 month stuff. I can't get over how cute he is. I know that I'm completely biased, and that everyone thinks their kids are the cutest, but really... I really think he might be.

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