Monday, October 19, 2009

Still Up

Yesterday was a big day. Caleb was baptized! It was a fun, exciting day and busy, very busy. We spent the first part of the morning getting ready for church and trying to make sure Caleb would be neither tired nor hungry during the service. Once we arrived at church I changed Caleb into his baptism gown (there will be pictures at some point, I promise) and we headed to the sanctuary. The service was wonderful. Caleb was a good boy, the music was beautiful and the sermon was great.

After church we had lunch at my parents house with lots of family and friends, and Caleb got passed around from person to person. He doesn't mind being passed around a bit (I actually think he likes all the attention).

Caleb slept a little later today, making up for the naps he missed yesterday, but thats caused a late bedtime tonight. He's still awake and its almost 10:00, but he's in his swing and he's looking sleepy so I think he'll be asleep soon. At least I hope so........

Ok, I had to take a little break there. It's now 10:30 and Caleb has had his bottle (remember he gets a bottle of formula before I go to bed) and he's sleeping peacefully in his bed...finally. Charles is also sleeping and hopefully I'll be joining them both soon.

Maybe tonight will be the night that Caleb sleeps all the way until morning, although I doubt it since he had his bottle at 10:15 rather than 11:00, but we'll see.

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