Sunday, July 19, 2009

First Sunday at church

Caleb attended church for the first time this morning. I was a little nervous about taking him with so many other people, but he did great. We sat in the chapel so there weren't too many people. I expected him to sleep the whole time, because it was right in the middle of naptime, but I guess there was just too much going on because he was awake the entire time. The unfortunate side effect of changing up his schedule this morning has been that his schedule has been messed up all day.

He ate as soon as we got home, and started acting tired (I'm sure he was since he had missed his earlier nap) so I put him down, but I think at this point he was so exhausted he couldn't sleep, because he just cried and cried. Finally, he fell asleep, but only for about 20 minutes and then he woke up crying again. It had been 2 hours since he had eaten at this point (he usually goes 3) but I thought he might be hungry so I tried feeding him again, which just put him back to sleep. So now he's napping and I'm hoping he'll be back to normal once he wakes up.

He wore an outfit that my mom made for him to church this morning, and looked very cute if you ask me...he also looks JUST like Charles in this picture



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