Tuesday, July 7, 2009

2 weeks old

Caleb had his 2 week doctor's appointment this morning, and everything went great. He was born at 8 lbs., a few days later he was down to 7.5 lbs and they wanted him to be back up to 8 lbs. by today. Well, he was. He weighed in at 8 lbs. 5 oz. so they said he is doing great. He has also grown an inch, which is crazy! He was born at 20.5 inches and today he was 21.5 inches. He is still in the 50th percentile for height and weight. The doctor said that because Caleb is back over his birth weight I don't have to wake him up to feed him at night anymore. Yay!! There are some nights when I have to wake Caleb up after 4 hours of sleeping to feed him, so I'm hoping it won't be long until he is sleeping through the night on his own. I can't even remember what 6 hours of straight sleep feels like, but I'm looking forward to it.

He also had his first shot today. It was the hepatitis B shot, which sometimes they give at birth, at the hospital, but Caleb didn't get it there, so he got it this morning. He DID NOT like it. But he only cried for a few seconds and then he was fine, and I'm sure completely forgot about it a few minutes later.

We spent the rest of the day at the house, me watching the Michael Jackson memorial (I'm not sure why) and Caleb sleeping and eating, since that's all he does.

It's crazy that Caleb is already 2 weeks old, but at the same time I feel like he's been here forever. It reminds me of the way I feel about being married to Charles, on one hand it's hard to believe it's been almost 4 years since we got married, but at the same time it feels like we've always been married. Both are wonderful!! I love being married to Charles, and I love being Caleb's mom, and I know Charles feels the same way. He is such a great dad! I love watching him and Caleb together and the cute way they interact with each other.

Here is a picture of Caleb from today...at 2 weeks old.



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