Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Joys of Parenthood

This afternoon Caleb was having his "awake time". It only happens twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening for about 2 hours at a time, and he's asleep for the rest of the day. Anyways, he's just hanging out when all of the sudden our power goes out. At this point I'm not sure why it's gone out, but I give my mom a call just to let her know that we may be heading out there for the night if it doesn't come back on. I didn't think I could handle changing diapers and feeding Caleb in the pitch black in the middle of the night. So, she and my dad are just leaving Wednesday night church and want to stop by to see Caleb. I tell them to come on over, and just sit in the darkening house waiting for the power to come back on. They show up a few minutes later and hang out for a little bit, all the while I know that Caleb needs his diaper changed, but he's so content that I hate to change him and make him mad. (He doesn't like getting his diaper changed) Thankfully the power comes back on and my parents head home. At this point I've forgotten about the needed diaper change, so I just hand Caleb off to Charles so that I can get a few things done around the house. The next thing I know Charles is yelling, "HE'S PEEING ON ME". I tell him that's not's not like he's naked....he's wearing a diaper. Then I remember that it's been over an hour since he first needed his diaper changed, and sure enough, diapers are not unlimited in their absorbency. Caleb's diaper was so full that he had, indeed, peed all over Charles' shirt.

It's only fair after the peeing incident earlier this week during bath time. So now, Caleb has officially peed on both of us. Ah...the joys of parenthood.



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