Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Busy Days

Here's an example of my busy days

I wake up sometime between 5AM and 7AM and feed Caleb. If it's closer to 5, then it's back to bed for both of us for a few more hours of sleep. If it's closer to 7, then there's a good chance Caleb is up for the day. Let's just say he has slept until 7. After eating, he's good and awake for a bit. I on the other hand am not so awake, so we lay on the couch and watch some TV while I try to wake up. Around 8:30 or 9 it's time for a quick nap (for him, not me) before it's time to eat again. While he sleeps I have time to pick up a bit around the house...or not...depending on what I feel like doing :) Between 9:30 and 10 it's time to eat again, and by this point Caleb is probably crying. I've read that as parents you should look for hunger cues so that your baby doesn't end up screaming and crying because they are so hungry, but with Caleb, that's not possible. He goes from being sound asleep, to crying in a matter of seconds. So once he's up, I change his diaper, and feed him. He normally goes right back to sleep at this point to finish up his nap. At this point, I rush to get ready for the day, not knowing how long I'll really have before he wakes up. I shower and get dressed. Sometimes I have a good 30 to 45 minutes to do this, and other times (like today) he wakes up and cries as soon as I get in the shower. At 11:45 Charles comes home for lunch. He takes over for a few minutes so that I can finish getting ready (if I haven't had the chance) and so that I can do a few things around the house (load the dishwasher or start a load of laundry or something). Then we have lunch, or if Caleb is being difficult, we take turns having lunch. Around 12:30 or 1 it's time for Caleb to eat, yet again, and then he's awake for a few hours. He then eats again, followed by naptime. I have a good hour or two at this point to get things done around the house. He wakes up when he's hungry and I feed seems like that's all I do, doesn't it?? It's probably about 5:30 or 6 at this point. Charles comes home from work and takes over again, while I get dinner ready. It's really just warming something up for now. We have had so many people bring us meals...its been great! Charles and I eat dinner, or once again, take turns eating dinner. We just hang out in the evening. Every other night Caleb has a bath at some point between 6 and 9 and get's changed into his jammies. Around 9 he eats again and then it's time for bed. Sometimes he eats one more time around 12, in which case he's up again at 5Am and the day starts over again. And sometimes he makes it from his 9 o'clock feeding until 2ish. In that case, he sleeps until about 7AM and the day starts over again.

Busy days....but I love it!



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