Friday, May 1, 2009

Lists, Lists, and more Lists

See, that's what I do. I make lists. I'm a list making procrastinator. I know of something I need to do, so I make a list to "help me stay organized" while doing it, and then I feel like I'm doing something productive without actually doing the thing that needs the doing.

My list today is for cleaning the house. I was in the mood earlier to do the actual cleaning; it didn't last. So I have my's ridiculously long and incredibly detailed. I like making detailed lists, because then I can mark things off my list more often. I'm beginning to think this might make me sound a little crazy, but oh's me.

So I have my list, complete with every little thing that needs to be done in order for the house to be clean and organized. This is hours and hours of work; you should see my house, but I'm giving myself until Caleb get's here to get it done. The only problem is I'm not exactly sure when he will decide he's ready to come. So I have anywhere from 4 weeks (in which I'm still working full time) to 8 weeks. Hopefully it'll be closer to 8.

So armed with my list, in which 5 things have already been marked off, I'm heading off for a night, or maybe just an hour or so, of cleaning.



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