Friday, April 24, 2009

Who knew choosing a carseat could be so hard?

It wasn't really that hard, but good grief, there were alot of options. Did we want an infant seat or a convertible seat? We chose an infant seat. What brand did we want? What style? What color? Even after making all these decisions we still couldn't decide between 2 seats.

We decided that an infant seat would be better at first so that we could get him in and out of the car easily, and then we read reviews to make sure our choices were all very safe. We took alot of them off of their bases and took turns seeing how they felt, how heavy they were, and how easily they snapped into their bases. Charles seemed to have some issues with the bases, but he'll get the hang of it. ( Only at Babies-R-Us can you walk around toting an empty car seat and not get strange looks.) Then we looked at the seat belts and how they worked. We felt them all to see which one would be more comfortable for Caleb, and not too hot feeling, since he's coming in the summer. I'm sure we spent way too much time in this decision making process, but oh well, I guess that's typical of first timers.

We finally narrowed it down to 2 different brands. One a little more expensive than the other but both seemed very safe, comfortable, easy to use, and not too heavy. Then we had to choose which color we liked the best. Did we want one that could be used for all of our kids or one that looked like it belonged to a little boy?

We decided we didn't want one that was too neutral (black or grey) and instead chose one that is kind of orangy-red and grey, and one that is red and brown. I think it would work fine for a boy or a girl so we'll have the option of using it again for other kids. But ultimately we never chose between the two. The trip wasn't wasted though, we now have 2 options rather than 200 options.

Charles' "grandparents" ( they aren't actually his grandparents, but might as well be) want to give us a gift card to buy a carseat with, so I think we will wait and see how much the gift card is for and pick a car seat based on that. We really liked both of them, so I don't think either of us will really care either way.

Here's what our two choices look like:

In looking at the pictures, I think I really like the top one better, but we'll see.



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