Thursday, April 30, 2009

Decisions, Decisions

Well, I finally came to a few decisions regarding the issues I had been contemplating. In case you don't remember, they were: pain relief during labor, vaccines, and TV watching (although this one obviously doesn't matter yet.)

In terms of pain relief during labor, I have read alot (in books and online) regarding the different choices that are out there. And I think I have reached a decision. My decision is....I know the suspense is killing you....I'm just going to have to wait and see, which I know isn't really a decision, but I am the type of person who likes to plan everything out. And if I take the time to plan everything out, I get mad when it doesn't happen the way I want it to. And since this is something I can't really force into happening any certain way, I decided it would be better for me NOT to plan it all out. Now, of course, I'll have a general plan of how I would LIKE it to happen, but I'm not going to be set on anything for sure. Natural: that's an option (although not one I am likely to take) Pain medication: that's an option. Epidural: that's an option. I'll just wait and see how things are going, and how I'm feeling and make a decision based on that. I feel comfortable with all of these as possibilities during labor.

As far as vaccines go, I've done alot of research concerning this as well, and let me tell you it is basically impossible to find any website online that isn't biased towards one thought process. There are those that think it is just stupid NOT TO vaccinate your kids (I'm more in agreement with this) and those that think it is just stupid TO vaccinate your kids, but nothing in the middle. Charles has also done some research, and although we are not opposed to possibly separating some vaccines into more than one shot rather than grouping them all together, we WILL definitely vaccinate our kids. We have decided that we will find a pediatrician that we trust and follow his recommendations concerning this topic.

And finally, TV watching. Over the last few weeks I have been amazed at how the 3 month old I keep during the day can actually watch TV. And while I'm sure she's just looking at the colors and pictures, it's starting an unhealthy habit in my opinion. Now, we aren't going to go to some extreme and throw out all our TVs or would I watch my shows? But I am thinking I'll try to avoid letting Caleb watch TV as much as possible when he is young, and once he gets older, limit the amount of TV he is allowed to watch, and monitor, very carefully, what he watches. It's crazy some of the stuff they show on TV these days, even on the "kid"stations.

Well, there you have it, the decisions that have been made so far.



Blogger Amanda Troyer said...

That is a great way to go into your delivery, very open to options. Unexpected things happen and you can't be sure of anything before you know what's going to happen. Don't feel bad about anything you choose, and don't let anyone else make you feel bad about it. Its all about you and the baby, your life and your choice!

April 30, 2009 at 9:30 AM  

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