Friday, April 16, 2010

Vast Improvements

Vast improvements have been made in the realm of cleaning around here.

If you keep up with my blog you remember I was talking just the other day about how I have such a hard time finding time to clean.

Well, I've been reintroduced to The FlyLady. I found her awhile back, and jumped in, against her advice, without taking time to establish habits when it comes to cleaning. Needless to say ... Crash and burn!!!

It lasted 2 weeks before I was back to my old procrastinating self, but this time I'm doing it right. I'm taking baby steps. And so far, so good.

My ENORMOUS pile of laundry is almost done, and actually put away. The baskets of clean laundry that had been in our bedroom for over a week ... gone. The dishes that were piling up in the sink because the dishwasher was full of clean dishes that hadn't been unloaded ... gone.

I still have a long way to go, but I am very encouraged and I would strongly suggest to anyone who is in a similar situation, anyone who, like me, needs someone to tell them exactly what to do in order for anything to get done, check out The FlyLady. You'll be glad that you did.



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