Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How to find time for cleaning?

I have a hard time finding time to clean. It doesn't help matters that I hate cleaning. I am what you'd call a planning/organizing procrastinator. I love making lists, schedules, plans ... but actually doing the things on those lists, or in those plans is another story. But something must be done ... it's getting ridiculous.

The main living area of our house is generally picked up ... most of the time. But open a drawer, cabinet or closet and you'll see something completely different. Look in the laundry room, and good grief ... it's bad. The dishes need to be done, there are 3 , yes 3, laundry baskets of clean clothes in our bedroom, and they have been there for a week.

But here's the problem ... my little crawler is always on the move. So if he's awake, I'm chasing him around the house, or changing his diaper, or making bottles or feeding him. So the time just slips by. Then he goes down for a nap (still 2 a day, thank goodness) and there are things I'd rather do than clean. So the day passes me by, Charles comes home, we eat dinner, give Caleb a bath, put him to bed, and then I want to spend time with my husband, not fold laundry or unload the dishwasher.

But there are things that have to be done around here, so whether I want to or not, I've got to do them. If only I could find the motivation.

I'm going to try, I'm really going to work on it. Hopefully I'll make some progress. I'll let you know in a few months if I've succeeded in accomplishing anything, or if there's still 3 baskets of laundry on our bedroom floor. Let's hope that's not the case.



Blogger Emilee Odette Garrett said...

Oh my goodness...this is me and my constant struggle, too. Kevin says it's because we both have a high threshold for clutter. In four years of motherhood, I have yet to gain control over my household. It's not my strong point and probably never will be. I remind myself daily that someday (all too soon) I will miss stepping on/over toys and will have too much silence/free time to fold and put away laundry. When I think about that, I don't get so discouraged over the condition of my home. But on the other hand, I try not to let things get too out of control! Good luck and please share your tips!

April 15, 2010 at 9:45 AM  

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