Thursday, March 18, 2010

A few things worth mentioning

There hasn't been much going on around here lately. But a few things worth mentioning.

My sweet husband brought me some flowers when he came home from work the other day. I love when he brings me flowers for no reason.

Caleb is really enjoying the warmer weather and his new swing.

He also got to play in the grass for the first time this week. He loved pulling it up and trying to eat it, but was scared to crawl on it. As soon as he would put his hand down, he would sit right back up again.

And he has learned in the past week how to go from lying down to sitting up on his own, and has started pulling himself to a stand. It took him a few days to realize that he could do both of these things in his crib, but now that he's figured it out he spends at least 15 or 20 minutes before each nap sitting in his crib, then standing in his crib before he finally lies down and goes to sleep.

He's getting so big and I feel like it won't be long before he's walking. We'll see. Although on another note, he still has no teeth, go figure. But that certainly doesn't stop him from eating all kinds of things. His favorite foods right now are bananas, sweet potatoes, plums (I kid you not, he ate a whole plum the other day ... I peeled it, handed it over, and took it away when there was nothing left but the pit) and any of the gerber snacks (which probably aren't that great for him, but very convenient).

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