Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Little Update

Here's what Caleb's days look like now that he's 8 (almost 9) months old.

He wakes up around 8am. I worked really hard to get him to sleep this late because I am so not a morning person. When he was younger I was lucky if he'd sleep until 6am, but for the past few months it's been 8am, which is wonderful.

He gets a dry diaper (it's normally SOAKED) and a bottle. Then he has breakfast. He does really great with finger foods, so that's mostly what he eats. Breakfast is normally cereal (cheerios or something similar), whole grain waffles, toast, banana (or other fruit), or yogurt.

Then we play until naptime, which is 9:45am.

When he wakes up he has solo playtime in his playpen. At first he didn't like being put in his playpen, but he has no problems with it now. He happily plays while I do things around the house.

Next is a bottle and lunch. Again, mostly finger foods. A normal lunch for him would be rice crackers with cream cheese or hummus, gerber lil' crunchies, fruit of some kind (banana, plum, peach, mango, watermelon, cantelope, etc.) and a veggie (peas, carrots, sweet potato, etc.)

Then if it's a nice day, we go outside. Caleb has a swing in the tree out front and he loves it. We may also run errands or do something fun, like go to the park or zoo.

Naptime again around 1:30.

Bottle around 4:00pm.

Dinner at 5:00 or 5:30pm. Again finger foods, or maybe some of whatever we are having.

We start getting ready for bed at 7:00pm : bath, PJs, bottle, stories, prayers

He's normally in bed by 8:00pm.

Things have really calmed down alot in the last few months. For the first 6 months or so I always felt like as soon as things calmed down, they changed again. His schedule would finally get fairly consistent (as far as eating and naps) and then he'd need to eat more or sleep less, and I'd have to start back at square one trying to figure out what worked best. But now I feel like things really have gotten consistent. And hopefully will stay that way for at least another few months.

I can't believe he's almost 9 months old. That seems so close to 1 and there is just no way he is anywhere close to 1 ... he was just born ... gosh!

Anyways, this was probably boring for most, but I like to have written down what his days looked like at different ages.

I'll take/post some pictures of Caleb in his new swing in the next few days.



Blogger lexie johnston said...

can you put me on a schedule like that?

March 15, 2010 at 4:37 PM  

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