Monday, December 28, 2009

6 month check up

Caleb had his 6 month doctor appointment this morning. It's nice that he's still oblivious to the fact that he's going to the doctor, and doesn't realize he's going to get a shot until the needle sticks him.

He is still growing like a weed. He's 26.5 inches long and weighs 17 lbs. 5 oz. which is still right in the 50th percentile, which is where he's been from the beginning. He had a vision test that they do on all 6 month olds, which was quite entertaining. It involved pictures on a screen, probes stuck to his head, and an eye patch. I wish I had my camera with me because it was amusing.

After that it was time for shots, which he did surprisingly well with this time. The doctor informed me that he is now old enough to get the flu vaccine and the H1N1 vaccine, so we went ahead and did those ( I had the H1N1 vaccine a few months ago, so I was comfortable getting it for him). That would have been 5 vaccines plus an oral vaccine, so instead of getting all of them, we did 3 vaccines (including flu and H1N1) plus the oral, and we'll go back in a month and get the others. I just though that 6 vaccines in one appointment was a little much. He cried for about 3 seconds, literally, after the shots and then he was fine. He actually cried longer and harder when I took away the wooden stick he was playing with (you know those popsicle stick things they use to look into your mouth?)

We also got the official ok on starting solids. We've been playing around with it for a few weeks now, trying a few things and getting used to the spoon concept, but it hasn't been anything consistent. Now I'll start giving him solids every morning and starting a new food each week. I think we're just gonna move on from rice cereal because he really doesn't enjoy it at all. The doctor suggested doing rice cereal (been there, done that), orange vegetables, green vegetables and then fruit (even though he's already had bananas and pears). So that's the plan.

I'm also planning on making some of my own babyfood. I'll let you know how that works out and maybe write a post on it later.

So, the appointment went well. Like I said he goes back in a month for the rest of his vaccines, and his next well baby check up is at 8 months. I can't believe he's so old. (I know he's not really old, but 8 months sounds old to me)



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