Monday, December 7, 2009

Banana Puddin'

After several days of unsuccessfully feeding Caleb "real" food (aka rice cereal) I finally concluded that he just doesn't get it yet. He's not quite understanding that he's supposed to swallow what I'm putting in his mouth, that it is indeed food. Instead he just spits it right back out like some sort of messy yet strangely entertaining game.

I decided I must be rushing him. He's not even 6 months old yet, so we'll just keep practicing and surely in a few weeks he'll finally "get it" and it'll be smooth sailing from there, right??

Little did I know that this little man was just toying with me.

Over the weekend we had dinner at my parents house one night, and Caleb , who was sitting in my lap during dinner, started getting a little cranky because he was hungry. We were just finishing up dessert ... banana pudding. Someone (I don't remember who now) made the comment that Caleb was fussing because he wanted some banana pudding, so I thought, "Why not give it a try?"

I put a little pudding on my spoon and offered it to Caleb, completely expecting either more fussing, as this was not what he wanted for dinner, or more of our little game of "see how much of this I can get on my clothes before Mama stops giving it to me". But no ...

He ate it right up, and then clearly wanted more. Leaning forward, opening his mouth every time the spoon was within 6 inches, the boy likes banana pudding. A few bites later and I realized I could end up regretting introducing him to something so sweet so I quickly finished the pudding myself and fed the little man his real dinner.

Needless to say ... he knows what he's doing. He can take the spoon in his mouth and swallow whatever is on it, he just wasn't appreciative of my original choice of foods. He will still be getting rice cereal and by golly he will eat it and he will like it. I'll just keep trying (maybe mix a little banana in with it) and he'll eventually "get it". Just to be on the safe side, I think it'll be awhile before he has another taste of banana puddin'. Don't want to develop that sweet tooth too early.



Blogger Jenna said...

Haha good luck with that. Sounds like he's smart like me and will refuse anything but yummy food :P

December 7, 2009 at 2:47 PM  

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