Sunday, December 6, 2009

Well, after several days without internet service (we had to replace our modem), it's now back up and running. Thank goodness. I've realized how much I use the internet on a daily basis, and it's rather sad, but oh well.

We had a busy weekend with Christmas fast approaching. I have officially finished my Christmas shopping ... ok, I have one gift left to get, but still, I am almost done. I think this is the earliest I have ever finished my shopping. I always get an early start (like mid-November) but usually don't finish until the week of Christmas, so I'm quite proud of myself this year.

I had choir rehearsal for Lessons and Carols on Saturday morning, Caleb hung out in the church nursery, and Charles went hunting. Then we headed to watch my sister play basketball (Charles coaches her team), which was ... what's the word?? Let's just say it was very entertaining!

This morning we went to church, out to lunch, and then back home for Caleb's nap. And tonight is Lessons and Carols which is always great and so much fun. It really feels like Christmas after Lessons and Carols.

Now very quickly I want to share a recipe with you. It came from the Pioneer Woman's blog and is so easy and yummy! A great breakfast treat. And we are just going to ignore the unhealthy aspects of it.

Monkey Muffins

what you need:

canned biscuit dough (or any kind of dough, really)
sweetened condensed milk ( I know, I know, you can't get much unhealthier, but we're ignoring that remember?)

Get ready for the easiness of this recipe ... a child could do it, which isn't a bad idea ... let your kids help with this one.

Take a muffin pan, and put about 1 tsp of butter in each cup (just eyeball it).
Sprinkle in some sugar and cinnamon (as much or as little as you want).
Take the biscuit dough and separate each biscuit into thirds.
Roll each third into a ball and put it on top of the sugar and cinnamon.
Now we put a little more butter, maybe 1/2 tsp. and a little more sugar and cinnamon on top.

Pop it in the oven at 350* until the biscuits are golden brown, and you're done. Oh wait, I forgot.
Drizzle the sweetened condensed milk over the top of each muffin once they're out of the oven.

All I can say is YUM! Trust me, you don't want to make these too often, or you'll regret it.

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