Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Caleb is working on some new skills.

Sitting up all by himself!! He can sit for a few minutes without any help and then he loses his balance and topples over, but we're working on it. He really enjoys being able to play with his toys while sitting up.

He is also close to crawling, I think. He plays on the floor on his tummy several times a day, and for awhile he was rolling everywhere. If he saw a toy he wanted and it was out of reach, he would just roll on over and get it. But just recently he has discovered that he can push off the floor with his knees and scoot over to a toy out of reach. Once he figures out how to get up on his hands and knees at the same time, he'll be on the move.

I'll have to say goodbye to the days of being able to put him on a blanket on the floor and leave the room for a minute. ( I can't really do that anymore anyways with the speedy rolling skills)

And finally...
He has figured out how to reach for people that he wants. Just a few weeks ago he would see someone he likes and just give them a big ole' grin, but now if he wants you to hold him he will actually reach his arms out towards you. It's really cute!

He's getting so big and learning so many new things. Time sure is flying by.

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