Tuesday, December 29, 2009

27??? That's not right...

Today is my 27th birthday...and for the first time in my life a double take is necessary as I think about the number...27. Now...for those of you that are older (older is a term that is undefined for intentional purposes), please take a moment to laugh as you think about how young 27 is before you continue reading.

My 26th year of life was a big one as far as years of life go. I am not sure that the number 27 is as shocking as the fact that I am now a dad and an uncle. I am noticing now that I am an adult, yes sad but true that I am just coming to that realization. The ten year old kid running around the church slows down as he passes me now because that 'adult' might not like me running down the hall!?!? What? I still vividly remember fighting the urge to run down the hall like it was yesterday. And while I love being called daddy around the house, I still catch myself thinking 'who?'...or thinking about my dad as daddy rather than myself.

I love how God has designed life as a continuous transition. He never lets us get super comfortable in any phase of life before He moves us into new and exciting areas where He always shows us our total dependence on Him. Today, maybe more than ever before in my brief 27 years, I am very aware of that dependence. This dependence is what sparked me to write this post...so if you will let me take a minute and explain.

Adults have responsibilities. They have marriages to nurture, they have children to raise well, they have friends to love, they have to work at church, they have to work at their jobs, they have bills to pay for yesterday and bills to pay for tomorrow, they have houses to work on, they have yards to mow, they have cars to fix, instead of going on vacations, they plan and pay for vacations, and they often come home more tired than when they vacated...I think you get the idea. I am pretty bad at most of the list I just wrote. I laugh as I think about my ability to be a husband and a dad...really laughing, it's comical. And yet, God in His mercy, steps in like He did yesterday and like He will tomorrow and says "you are not able, but I AM" It is fun to watch God show off! Taking nothing and turning it into something is a task only our Creator can perform.

So as I become an 'older' person, yes even an adult, I am thrilled to know that as I plan my way God directs my steps.

Note to Caleb and any future children that God may bless us with: I haven't always been an adult...as a matter of fact I think I played a kid pretty well. I remember when I was dependent on my mom and dad to provide for me. If you are at all like me, you probably are dependent without even knowing that you are. But when you fall and scrape you hands and knees, or you score the winning soccer goal, or you make some sort of craft in Sunday school, or you're scared lying in bed at night you, Lord Willing, are going to run to your Mom and/or Me. I want you to remember those days and feelings and carry them into your 'adult' life and understand that the love that we have for you is only a mirror of the love that our Father has for us. We run to Him when we fall, when we have scored a goal, when we want to show someone what we have done, and when we are scared.

So on this my, 27th birthday, I pray that I never 'grow up' enough to think I can take care of myself or those that God has entrusted to me on this earth without His help and I pray for the grace and mercy to tackle the responsibilities of an 'adult'.


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