Friday, May 15, 2009

Finally, the weekend. The closer I get to Caleb getting here, the slower time seems to go, and while I am so looking forward to him being here and being a mom, I am still slightly dreading the process that makes that happen.

I only have 10 more days of work until I'm done for good. And it's just now hit me how much I'm going to miss those kids. Seeing them every day for over 3 years almost makes me feel like they're my own, so it's going to be hard to go from seeing them daily to seeing them only occasionally. I'll still keep in touch with them, but I know I'll be busy, so hopefully I can make time to spend some time with them too.

I have alot to do this weekend: laundry, house cleaning, thank you notes and working on a little project I'm making for the family I work for, but for tonight, I'm not going to worry about it. Charles and I are going out to dinner and to use a gift card I got back in January (for my birthday) to a maternity store. I guess technically, I'm using the gift card, not Charles, but I'm going to try and find a swimsuit because I am so hot, ALL the time, and nothing sounds better than spending some time in the pool, and I only have another 6 weeks to use the card or it'll pretty much be useless ( at least I hope I won't still be wearing maternity clothes for too long after Caleb gets here).

Happy Weekend Everyone!!


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