Monday, April 19, 2010

A day in the life of a mom

Wake up, go to baby's room, get baby out of crib, smile, change diaper, fix bottle, feed bottle, fix breakfast, feed breakfast, clean up, get out toys, play with baby, clean up toys, change diaper, get baby dressed, put baby down for nap...

take a breath

make bed, start load of laundry, unload dishes, eat breakfast, check email, sweep floor, swap laundry, clean bathroom, get baby out of crib, put baby in playpen, take shower, get dressed, dry hair, fix bottle, feed bottle, fix lunch, feed lunch, clean up, go outside, play, come inside, get out toys, play with baby, clean up toys, change diaper, put baby down for nap ...

take a breath

fold laundry, put away laundry, load dishes, eat a snack, plan for dinner, dust, get baby out of crib, fix bottle, feed bottle, read books, get out toys, play with baby, clean up toys, fix dinner, feed dinner, daddy's home ...

take a breath

eat dinner, family time, give baby a bath, put pjs on baby, play with baby, fix bottle, feed bottle, read story, say prayers, sing songs, put baby to bed ...

hang out with husband, watch tv, get online, go to bed and do it all again tomorrow

 It may be busy and sometimes tedious, but I couldn't be happier and wouldn't be anywhere else.



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