Monday, May 18, 2009

Who Needs Sleep??

I am being prepared very well for life with a baby, particularly sleepless nights. I don't think I've gotten a good nights sleep in about 2 months and to be honest, imagining getting 2 full hours of sleep several times a night once Caleb gets here, sounds glorious.

An example of a typical night:

Charles curls up under the blankets and falls asleep quickly, while I lay there with a fan blowing straight into my face, and I'm still hot. I eventually fall asleep, on either my left or right side, because heaven forbid I should be able to sleep on my back or stomach, the only comfortable positions there are. Every 30-45 minutes I painfully rotate to my other side, because my back is hurting. By the way, at this point, I'm sweating because it's so freakin hot.

At this point, Charles is still sleeping peacefully without a care in the world.

After several hours of turning from side to side, while getting approximately 5 seconds of sleep, I have to get up to go to the bathroom. I fight the urge to move around making tons of noise, just to wake up Charles because it is NOT FAIR that he gets normal amounts of sleep every night. But...I'm not that mean, so I quietly go to the bathroom and then back to bed for more tossing and turning. Still hot!!!

Charles wakes up nice and refreshed, while it seems that I finally get comfortable and fall into a good sleep, only to be awakened by my alarm clock, and it's time for work.

Caleb needs to get here soon, because as far as my sleep schedule goes, it can't get much worse.


Blogger Lora said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel! Pretty much describes my nights to a "t". I don't even try to sleep with covers and I don't think I actually fall into a deep sleep until William gets up for work. The tossing and turning is more like a 5 minute process just to get from one side to the other! So, I definitely feel your pain...these babies need to hurry up and get here!

May 18, 2009 at 3:38 PM  

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