Friday, October 29, 2010

Let's Play Catch Up

Ok, I know it has been SO long since I've written anything on this blog.  So let's play catch up.

Caleb.  What can I say about this sweet boy?  He is now 16 months old and getting so big.  He's very fast and getting into everything these days.  His new favorite things are his boots and ketchup.  When he goes to get his shoes in the morning, he always picks his rubber rain boots.  Sometimes he brings them to me while he's still in his pajamas and insists on putting them on.  The boy loves his boots.  And ketchup.  He will eat ketchup on anything, and if he has eaten all of his food, he'll use his fingers and eat just plain ole' ketchup.  Sound tasty?

Yea, I didn't think so.

Ethan.  Also getting so big.  I'm 30 weeks pregnant now.  Time has flown, and we have so much do to before he gets here.  Things have been going smoothly, which is always nice.  I did fail my gestational diabetes screening and had to go back for a 3 hour screening, but my blood sugar levels were fine so no problems there.

Charles.  He's been out of town alot lately.  A few fun, and alot of business trips all happened to fall into the same 6 week period this year.  He's still got 2 or 3 more before things settle down, but at least he's getting them all out of the way before all the busyness of the holidays begins.  We're also gearing up for a new business venture that will be starting at the beginning of the year, but more on that later.

And the last "new" thing to catch you up on.  I'm now using cloth diapers most of the time.  I know some, if not all, of you just read that and thought "oh gosh, she has lost her mind".  But it's something I considered before Caleb was born, just never got around to it.  And now that we have Ethan coming, and will have 2 in diapers, it seemed like the wisest choice for us.  You'd be amazed at all the different choices there are out there concerning cloth diapers ... it's not all cloth and pins anymore.  And it'll end up saving us alot of money, which is always a good thing in my book.  I'll write another post on the topic at some point and explain a bit more for those that might be interested.

That's all the catching up I have time for, for now.  But I'll try to get back into the swing of things.  I have lots to share.  Trips to the pumpkin patch, our thoughts on Halloween, and getting the house ready for 2 little ones under the age of 2, to name a few.

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