Saturday, January 8, 2011

Schedule at 2 weeks old

This may be incredibly boring to some of you, or most likely, all of you, but it's helpful to me so I'm writing it.  It's nice to be able to look back at my earlier posts and see what Caleb's schedule was like at different ages, what he was doing, how he was sleeping, so I'm going to keep up with it for Ethan too.

We're just getting some sort of schedule established around here, but this is what it looks like so far.

He eats, I change his diaper, "play" with him for a few minutes, and he goes down for a nap.  I usually have to wake him up for his next feeding, and right now he's eating every 3 hours.

Playing isn't really playing at this age, its looking at him, letting Caleb look at him, "hold" him, putting him in the swing or bouncy seat for a few minutes, and that's about it.

After his feeding around 8pm he goes down for the night and I keep the exact same routine, but leave out the "playing".  Instead he eats, I change his diaper (sometimes I change him before he eats) and he goes right back to sleep.  He's eating once, sometimes twice during the night right now.  So he eats at 8pm, again at 11pm, and then at some point around 3 or 4am, and then in the morning.

He's been taking naps in his Moses basket in the den up until today.  We got a baby monitor for his bedroom, so today he's been taking his naps in the pack-n-play in his room.  I want him to get used to sleeping in the pack-n-play because that's where he'll be until Caleb gets a big boy bed.

At night, I still have him in our bedroom in the Moses basket.  Some people have a hard time sleeping with a baby in their room, but I don't.  I sleep fine, and it's easier for me since I'm having to get up in the middle of the night to feed him, but hopefully in a few months we can drop that feeding and he'll sleep in his own room at night too.

So that's how things are for now, boring post, I know, sorry.  Maybe something exciting will happen for me to post about later, I doubt it, but maybe.



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